Standard Osteopathic Consultation


New patients are asked to arrive 10 minutes early to fill out forms regarding your injuries and general health. We will then discuss these matters in person.


We will ask you to stand up and perform some movements, this will help us determine what your injury is (diagnosis) and which joints and muscles require treatment.

This is best performed wearing light garments, such as shorts and a singlet to allow free unhindered movement. Please wear clothing that you feel comfortable in which also enables a physical assessment and observation of your movement patterns.


Osteopath treatment brighton
We will ask you onto the treatment table, here further assessment of your muscles and joints will be performed to further clarify the exact nature of your injury and to identify the regions requiring treatment.

Please keep in mind that osteopathy is a hands on practice. This is reflected in the assessment and treatment. If you are not comfortable with this, or with any procedure that is performed during the consultation please alert your practitioner. At all times the practitioner will attempt to maintain appropriate boundaries, respect your space and inform you anytime they are working in a sensitive area.


Calf muscle osteopathic treatment, brighton
Osteopathic techniques will be used. These include, massage, muscle stretching, myofascial stretching, manipulation (HVLA), , joint movement, trigger point therapy, counterstain, MET (Muscle Energy Technique), BLT (Balanced Ligamentous Tension), cranial and sacral techniques. Strapping tapes, braces and other rehabilitation components may also be applied when required.

Treatment can be tailored to what best suits your condition and what you want. Feel free to tell us what you want from your treatment. 

Re-assessment will be done continually during the session and between sessions to identify which measures are effective and which areas may require further attention.

​Some techniques are very gentle and some are more vigorous. The techniques we use during treatment will be determined by a combination of your input and personal preference for treatment style; published evidence; and by our clinical judgement and experience. These considerations will be used as a guide in order to provide you with an individualised treatment session based on logical and justifiable reasoning. 

It is typically beneficial to treat with direct contact rather than through clothing. If treatment involves the mid back area where there is a bra-strap, the practitioner may seek permission to undo the straps so that the muscles across the back can be treated directly. This is only done after asking permission and only while lying face down on the table. If you are more comfortable leaving affixed this is okay too. 


Re-booking can be done on site or at another time through the online booking system. We will advised you on an appropriate re-booking schedule based on the expected recovery rate of your particular condition. We will endeavour to give you a realistic timeframe for your injury recovery rate and what you can expect at each phase of this process. If you are unsure or would like to learn more about your injury please ask.


Homework exercises and adjuncts to treatment will typically be suggested. For many conditions, evidence indicates that best results are achieved by implementing a combination of specific exercises in tandem with treatment. We are happy to accommodate your enthusiasm for an active recovery.


You will typically be provided with a summary outlining  the following points:
  • Diagnosis (what your injury is)
  • Prognosis (time this injury would typically take to recover, and what to expect at each stage of this healing process)
  • How many sessions you will require for best care
  • Treatment techniques we will use during these sessions
  • Home exercise descriptions and handouts
  • Additional advise regarding factors such as; further heath-care referrals, medication use, heat-pack and ice-pack use, gym and sports program modifications throughout the course of your injury.